
隠し砦の三悪人 hidden fortless 1958

To rasyomon -idiot-ikiru-seven samurai -  .
 are actulally more than just a AK film to me, i can't discribe about it. everyone say peak of AK ,peak of movie whole history 50-60s golden age. it is just absurd talk about it. what is important for us is 'can we overcome what they made around these years?' maybe yes maybe not, answer is on our hands now.

 so about hidden fortless,entertaiment  AK come back, budget are high , you can do anything emperer AK, and what emperor made was unexpected story , it is categollized with nowhere of movie genre, what is this? so new, it named spectacle and in 60s movie director everywhere tried to make something like this. some said it ruined movie,some said it selling well so its good, mass people appreciate this WAR FESTIVAL SUSPENCE CATALSYS! type of movie even today. we get bored with this around 80s, star wars, die hard, blur blur blur , road of the ring, pirates.....rubbish mate.
 i don't know what to say about this movie, one thing i can say is, it changed everything.