
virtual location hunting DIARY OF WR

 im searching for resourse for my next word "DIARY OF WR" (simly diary) , but due to budget ,im searching virtual world for image. maybe a lot of angle will come from AK,and Kublick . tarkovskys composition are hard to settle in , and i hate bergman.
 but i cant get all of them from masters but other directors shot , esp american movie and france, are shite. there is no space in their movie , lack of talent, or too much concentrate on plot , and snobbism.

 so im watching  second lank directors, they are not so bad , but not remain in time.

Obayashi Motohiko   has a good talent on color and composition ,but his story telling is asshole. it is nice for reserching, and i dont like his edit method, too cheeky too childish.

 Hitoshi Matsumoto  i think  best dir in our time, who is living and at peat of their stage, really original , but lack of knowledge about technical thing, he know nothing about camera lens whatever, his pictures are a lot like tv in HD, not movie one, anyway , his work are really original. people say his work are boredom, that will firmly probe he will be called master, because people are assholes too stupid. AK movie dont appreciated well by critics at first. O MY do you have eye? or its just a blackhall.