
one wonderful sunday 1947

Kurosawa is a man who can't throw curve, just straight, no other.
 i thnk it is hard for him to make movie after No regret, coz that movie is classic, too solid , too big , there is no other theme important, massive, than war , life ,death. young director who make that kind of movie, mostly can't make another, in fact they make it, but its has no shine. if you throw 160km straight , there is nomore. However K is genius he find another way,he draw ordinary life, its boring ,poor,no hope, no dream at all. it is acutually worse than hell it killing you slowly no dramatic ending just absurd. but man ask his girlfriend , can you draw dream? she said yes. human can draw dream on the back side of their eye....what wonderful way to find happiness.

 K did magic , at first actor and actress not so...atracitive nor pretty , but in the end ,she become one of most beautiful people in the film , that is just a magic , no SFX or make up, but purely magic. if mind get more beautiful their face will change , physically nothing change, but it really is. you can feel it.