
相対性理論 恋は 百年戦争  Soutaisei riron ( relative theory ) english translation and its background 2010

難しく見える 恋の三角形
  it looks difficult the triangle of love affair
少しだけわかるでしょ 8時過ぎて 
 as you know a little, bit after 8 oclock
通勤電車で向かう オフィス6階へ
 on the commuter train to the 6th floor of Office building
すまし顔窓口の あの娘
 snobby look reception girl ( is maybe his another lover)

優しく聞こえる 彼の答え
hearing sweet sound of his answer
なんとなくわかるでしょ あやし過ぎて
 U know it , its too complicated
電光石火で向かう 奴の元へ
 speed of lightning go to his place
うっとうしいこと終わらせる 今百年戦争
 i ll end this mess of one hundreds war (of England and France)

結んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
 tell me the end of red string (japanese jinx that, true lover are tied with red string at smallest finger , strings are rarely seen)
ジャンヌダルクも知らない 知らない 未来
 Janne de Arc even dont know about future (Jeanne or La pucelle said that she can predict future)
盗んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
 tell me the end of red string which you stolen
ちょん切って みせるわ
 i ll cut it off

新しく増える 彼の結婚線
 there is a new line of marriage at his hand ( line of marriage is ,手相 Teso , ancient Chinese divination foretelling ones future with looking hand's wrinkle)
誰とだかわかるでしょ 歯ぎしりして
 quenching teeth hard , I know you will marriage to whom
最強装備で向かう 今夜決勝戦
 Im going to battle tonight with maximum artillery (最強装備=sai kyo sou bi  is RPG game jargon, some kind of command that automatically chose best weapon)
一仕事終わらせる 私百戦錬磨
 end this work at once , coz i am undefeated at hundreds of battle)

結んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
ベルセルクも知らない 知らない 未来
 even Berserk dont know about our future (this Berserk is not north myth god in same name, its taken from manga with same name by Kentaro Miura. but Berserk dont have ablity of seeing future..? well u should read this manga for detail)
盗んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて

恋の駆け引き 繰り返した二人
 two of them repeated push and pull of love game
 lunch time is survival
今日で世界史 ひっくり返したつもり
 i think im buckled world history today ( coz they are fighting one hundred years war)
 chronicle of history started running

結んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
ジャンヌダルクも知らない 知らない 未来
盗んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
ベルセルクも知らない 知らない 未来

結んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
ゴルバチョフも知らない 知らない 未来
 Gorbachev dont know about future too ( as you know Gorbee is Russian politician at era of sovvy are falling down and he failed keep it, it broken to pieces)
盗んだ赤い糸の先を 教えて
ちょん切って みせるわ

  usually i translate Eng lyrics to Jap this one is reverse, i know some part of my english is weird i hope u understand it.
 Sotaisei riron ( it means relative theory of Einstein) are 4 piece band they are influenced by animation bgm (アニソン) they made it more artistic and band oriented. at TV Ryuichi Sakamoto praised their Technic of band arrange is super, they are went to fame, and become major hero from local cult band. conservative music reviewer neglected their performance before Sakamoto named.it usually is. Japans culture market is soooooooo CON, it takes decades to make they think comic is culture , until recently reading comic is stupid ass hole, but now , they found its tree of golden rite. Tv game , animation , anime song are treated that way.  but well well they truly love is not culture but MONEY. so is that way jap artist tend to avoid mass media hating money monkey. plz dont think watching tv and found its todays jap culture, truth is underground. 

 this song's intro is taken by chinese movie ... i forgot its name , some Bruce Lee thing i think , its famaus  line( it used perpetually at tv game too) , its guitar sound is really identifiable ,(slightly overdub and modified) and solo is rather original its bit syncopated jimmy page sound is his style.(Sei ichi Naga i)

 from the album Synchroniciteen  2010 (synchronicity and teenage. i donno they want to mean Police's album , but their arrange sound lil bit Police like , airly and tight  )