
valley of fear holmes 1915 55point / patent destroy modern colture

 ---common people can't understand something beyond their level , but talented person can understand genius at once

  i cant go on secend chapter of this one , its so ......out of dated, and i dont really care Doyle write about history and explain motivate of crime. this kind of narrative surely sound like 19th century , its not cozy for modern reader.  so the point is low 55.

 there is a decade between RETURN and FEAR , Doyle got old and holmes got old his character drastically changed.....Mmmmm

 by the way i found that why Holmes treated by media recently ,coz holmes got into public domain , due to PD , our culture take 100 years to come up with,all we see, use , and learn material are surely 100 years old thing. Auther make their masterpiece around 30 and they would die at 80(50 years) and stupid PD holds right 50 or 70 years (utterly crazy foolishness of human kind, so stupid!)   100~120 years to their work read or seen for everypeople...and almons all of them utterly forgotten and lost.

 we need another way to motive and pay the money to the creator....and i know no fucker care about it.