
oasis don't go away 1998  和訳 対訳 解説 



A cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say

About the things caught in my mind


As the day was dawning my plane flew away

With all the things caught in my mind


And I want to be there when you're coming down

And I want to be there when you hit the ground



So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay ]


Forever and a day

In the time of my life


'Cause I need more time

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right



Damn my situation and the games I have to play

With all the things caught in my mind


Damn my education I can't find the words to say

About all the things caught in my mind


And I want to be there when you're coming down

And I want to be there when you hit the ground

So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day

In the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

Me and you what's going on?

All we seem to know is how to show

The feelings that are wrong


So don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day

In the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

And don't go away

Say what you say

But say that you'll stay

Forever and a day

In the time of my life

'Cause I need more time

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

So don't go away

 be here now はOASISの大失敗作として名高いです。曲はやたら長いし、NOELのネタも尽きた。OASISのビートルズ並みのタイトで完璧な構成力は失われた。みたいな酷評を受けましたけれど、Iはじつはこのアルバムが一番好きです。



 hits the groundってのは自殺のことでしょう。Uがとび降り自殺するときも、その地面に激突する瞬間まで一緒にいたいと思うんだ、だから一緒にいてくれ、お願いだから。ただ少しだけ時間が欲しいんだ。という非常にブルーで深刻な曲です。バンドのキャラでも全然ない。ライブで演奏されることもほぼ無いと思います。

 でもジャンキーでもないにしろ、ひどい状況においこまれて、そっちがわに引っ張られていってしまって、ココロがものすごいぐちゃぐちゃになる時ってあります、ふとしたことで立ち上がれないくらい号泣してしまったり、そういうなんでしょうね? ぶっこわれそうな感じが現れてて、すごーい好きな曲です、泣いちゃいそうですねw